Welcome to the Durbin Legacy Challenge, a ten-generation legacy challenge focusing on storytelling but relearning The Sims 2 after 20 years. With each generation, you’re navigating the different features that The Sims 2 offers, whether it’s a career, aspiration, skill, or even hobbies. There is something for everyone alike, so I hope you enjoy this challenge and have fun!
The goal is to have fun! Feel free to change/bend the rule to whatever you want as you’re playing. If you do this challenge anywhere tag me @springsims on any social media platform with the hashtag #durbinlegacy.
From living in a rural area of Riverblossom Hills, you decided that you wanted to do something new for yourself in an area where no one knew you. So you move to Belladonna Cove, where you can start a new one. You love getting your hands dirty and have never given up on a challenge. You’re ambitious to achieve all your goals.
The Basics
Career: Medicine
Aspiration: You decide
Side Hustle: Pottery Studio
Have two kids
Start a pottery business
Reach level 5 of the medical career
Achieve gold talent badge in Pottery
Marry your blind date and then get divorced after the second child
You grew up in a household full of creativity, with your “father” being a world-class doctor and pottery business owner and your mother being the CEO of a mega-corporation. You wanted to be just like them. One small thing is that your “father” is not your real father, but will that affect your future if you find your real father?
The Basics
Career: Art
Aspiration: Knowledge
Side Hustle: Art Studio
Reach level 10 of the Art career
Attend University with at least two scholarships
Reach level 10 Creativity and Logic
Flirt with one of the professors
Have one alien baby
All you can think about is food. Coming from a different world or so you think, you’ve been inspired to try all the foods around the world that one day you want to open you’re own restaurant to give people that sense of joy that food brings you. You’re ready for your dreams of being a household name to come true.
The Basics
Career: Culinary
Aspiration: Popularity
Side Hustle: Open A Restaurant
Reach level 10 of the Cooking Career
Run a lemonade stand as a kid every summer season
Master the cooking skill & hobby Enthusiasm of Cusine
Start your restaurant at level 5 of the cooking career
Reach rank 10 in your restaurant
Win a cooking competition
Write a Restaurant Guide
Growing up in an “Out Of This World” family gave you a sense of discoverability to find adventures outside of your hometown. You’ve been inspired by the idea of nature and writing stories of what it would be like to travel the world and find hidden temples, creatures, and even BIGFOOT…if he’s real.
The Basics
Career: Adventurer
Aspiration: Romance
Goal: Gold Fishing Talent Badge
Have Bigfoot move into your household
Travel to all the vacation world
Write in your journal every week
Publish 5 books about your travels
Complete Vacation Mementos (45)
They say no one mourns the wicked but who says you can’t be good? You always felt different in your family that something has changed within you and you’re through with following the rules of society on how you’re supposed to be. So you settle on your own path to find a real family that isn’t afraid of magic. Because everything is not what it seems.
The Basics
Career: Paranormal
Aspiration: Family
Goal: Befriend The Good Witch
Drop out of University Sophmore Year
Get pregnant by a University frat manchild
Learn all spells and potions
Get a feline familiar
Bring back an old lover
Money can’t buy happiness…or can it? You lived a life that magic could change your life with a flick of a wand. You never understood the idea of magic and how it could change your life. After the spell had gone wrong, you ended up living your life as an orphan with only the clothes on your back and a guitar. Music was the only thing in your life that made you feel safe and sound. So you put your emotion into your music.
The Basics
Career: Music
Aspiration: Fortune
Goal: Reach 100K in funds
Must live in an apartment until you reach 50K
Reach level 8 of the Music career
Master creativity skill and charisma skill
Marry a Rich sim until level 5 of your career
Max Music and Dance enthusiasm
Study Lifelong Happiness book
Two words: Nepo Baby. With living in the spotlight in the richest part of the city you always enjoyed listening to your parent’s music growing up and you were introduced to the world of show business. You idolize the stars that look like you on the big screen and want to be just like them one day. I mean there is no biz like show biz.
The Basics
Career: Show Business Career
Aspiration: Popularity
Goal: Get Celebrity Star
This is a part of the entertainment career reward (use the cheat: unlockCareerRewards) to get the celebrity star
Go to university for Drama
Write a book about your life
Max Film and Literature enthusiasm
Master the creativity, charisma, and logic skill
Reach level 10 of the Show Business Career
Get Plastic Surgery as an elder (career reward)
Coming from a famous family you never had the proper care and love you desired as a child. From attending private school and having several nannies you longed for something more than fame and fortune. You come from a big family and you want to give your kids a life that you never had growing up.
The Basics
Career: Education
Aspiration: Family
Secondary Aspiration: Knowledge
Goal: Reach Golden Anniversary
Have 3 kids
Adopt one pet
Study the parenting book
Max your cleaning and cooking skill
Go on a family vacation every summer
Make Santa cookies for the winter season
Runaway as a teen
There’s a saying that people who live in a big happy family are supposed to be “happy”. Well, that’s not the case for you the day you turned into a vampire. You always felt like you were the villain in your origin story, being distant from your family on vacation with your head always in the books. The creature inside you says “Hold on spider monkey” because your life will change forever. Maybe learning the world of science will help you understand who you truly are.
The Basics
Career: Science
Aspiration: Pleasure
Became a vampire as a teen
Have a baby with a vampire
Have two kids
Max your logic skill and fitness skill
Cure your sim until the last kid is a teenager
The supernatural never interested you as a kid, but as you got older you learned more about your parent’s past of who they were after their untimely passing. You were an active kid always outside playing in the dirt, catching butterflies and sometimes you’ll sleep outside in your tent to get “fresh air”. You became fascinated with the idea of nature and wanted to achieve that green thumb.
The Basics
Career: Natural Scientist
Aspiration: Knowledge
Secondary Aspiration: Grilled Cheese
Goal: Become A PlantSim
Get Cowplant
Max nature hobby
Have a plant baby
Have the “perfect” farm/garden
Achieve a Gold Talent Badge in Gardening
Mod Recommendations For This Challenge
Due to the game’s limitations, here’s a list of mods you can add to your game that will make this challenge easier to complete for a few generations.
No Alien Sexism – Allows both male and female Sims to become pregnant from alien abduction, and increases the chance of pregnancy to 100%. (perfect for Gen 2, especially if you have a female sim)
Plant Overhaul - This mods changes how sims plant and fertilize thier gardens and new objects to supplement it. (perfect for Gen 10)
Misc. Gardening Mods & Fixes - A few small overrides centered around gardening (perfect for Gen 10)